Installing OpenMediaVault 2.x and update to latest release
In this post I will provide some details on installing the OpenMediaVault 2.1 and upgrading it to the latest release.
As a first step – we need new VM created to install OVM to it.
- Upload the ISO image to the Proxmox host. (Upload it to desired storage). Download it from official we site:
- After you finish uploading the ISO file – click Create VM
- In General tab select required node, ID, Resource Pool (can be empty) and VM Name. I will call it OMV
- In OS tab select Linux 4.X/3.X/2.6 Kernel
- In CD/DVD tab select openmediavault ISO file
- In Hard Disk tab select desired Storage location, Disk size in GB and Caching method. I will go with 12 GB space for the system and will connect my 3TB physical hard drive (here is tutorial how I did that)
- In CPU tab I will change number of cores to 2 and leave other options without any change.
- In Memory tab I will change RAM size to 1024MB to meet minimal requirements for OMV.
- In Network tab I’m going to leave my default setting for now. Bridged mode, VirtIO, no firewall
- In Confirm tab just review your settings and Finish the VM create process.
So at this point the VM is created and I will go through the installation process. It is almost the same as usual Debian installation.
- Go to Virtual Machines and Start it and go to Console view
- It should show you the boot process and OMV boot menu. I will go with default Install, not serial console one.
- In popup windows select system preferred language, location and keymap.
- At network configuration step enter hostname for your VM
- Then it will ask you enter the root user password twice. Do not forget it!
- Select your or preferred time zone for your VM
- After this Install process with be started and it will ask you for the Debian mirror location that will be using for package updates and upgrades. Select the closest you will find. It must be working much faster than others.
- Enter proxy information for connection if you have some special requirements in your network.
- Installation process will finish after some time and will ask you for restart.
After restart you will see following screen. Type root as a username and use password which you typed on step 5.
Now we logged in. Lets perform upgrade to the latest version of OpenMediaVault using following sequence of commands:
# apt-get update
# apt-get upgrade
After it will finish the installation of the most recent packages lets perform the system reboot with following command:
reboot -n
After the reboot it will show the eth0 IP address assigned to the VM. In my case it is Enter it in browser and hit enter. (If it is not working then try adding http:// before the IP address like this: and then hit enter in browser)
You will see login page after last step. Default username is ‘admin’ and password is ‘openmediavault’. Try to login to see if it works for you and lets go and change those default admin credentials.
Go to System > General Settings > Web Administrator Password enter your new pass twice and click on Save button.
You are good to go with the latest OVM stable version.